PROUT Institute

Eugene OR based, PROUT Institute provides people and communities with empowering resources to envision and enact sustainable and equitable solutions to social, economic, and ecological challenges.

New Era Convergence

Those of us with a vision beyond the crisis system of capitalism are gathering to bring forward prospective solutions, promising models, proactive strategies, and proven practices that can help us build a new era. Our focus is on our home region, the Pacific Northwest, a springboard for building a larger movement for change.

Sunrise Ecologic

Restoring our ecosystems one connection at a time. A woman owned and operated small business guided by the principles of neohumanism and economic democracy.

PROUT Alliance

Prout Alliance envisions a world in which every person is free from exploitation and oppression, is guaranteed the basic minimum necessities of life through adequate purchasing power, and the rights of all plants and animals are protected. 

CDRT Webinar

Hosted by the PROUT Alliance

Our Collaborators Say

 “I think that the more that this dialog is expanded and continues and refined, I think the better, the more assurance people will have that the future is going to be sane and secure rather than chaotic and fearful. And so I think there's nothing but good that could come out of this type of scenario planning and particularly involving the local communities themselves

— James Quilligan - Asheville, NC

“CDRT give(s) people some activity that builds skills, it builds communication and collaboration skills, planning and visioning skills, and gives them collaborative relationship experiential work. A vision for the future.”

— Clare Strawn - Eugene, OR