Changing the Conversation from Impossible to Inspiring

In a time of disaster there is trauma and devastation but also opportunity. CDRT is an activist-driven project that uses disaster as a foundation to help communities envision the society based on their closely held values.

We all know that the storm is coming.
What better chance to change than when rebuilding?

Beyond Disaster Recovery

Community-Driven Recovery and Transition (CDRT) is the first step in your solution to managing an inevitable and exponential increase in the Climate Crisis. 

When the Storm is Over CDRT Will Help You With


When you bring the community together and envision the society it wishes to inhabit, it will build upon local strengths and serve the needs of the local people.   


In order for a community to rebuild in a way that is consistent with their commonly-held values and become resilient in the face of further disruptions, this exercise brings the community together to envision a values-based society. 


Before creating a new society, critical after climate catastrophes, first it must be envisioned.  CDRT brings the community together around the values they hold dear to envision a society that reflects those.


These are your goals. Your community. We don’t have a template that fits your community but one that helps you define yourselves better and communicate that to those who can make it work.

Weaving Ecology and The Economy Together for a Values-Based Society

The PROUT Institute and the New Era Convergence view disaster recovery as an opportunity for social, environmental, and economic transition that meets the current and future needs of its citizenry. Crisis, while traumatic and destructive, creates great opportunities for change. As scores of old systems cease to function as their components break down and the landscapes and environments that we take for granted come into question, people are more willing to entertain ideas that once looked radical.

Beyond Crisis

We see this as a golden opportunity to begin anew and CDRT looks to a New Era that demonstrates our values of being: Regenerative, Localized, Inclusive, Cooperative, and Equitable.  

Everyone seems to have a different vision of your community.

Our goal is to help you bring yours to life.


  • Eugene, OR

  • Asheville, NC

  • Mid Coast, ME

  • "The urgency for this kind of thinking and planning. …other than official or formal apparatus which work in emergency management, there's not a lot of thinking and strategizing going into this area, and it's becoming all the more necessary as we move into greater and greater impact from climate change.”

    James Quilligan - Asheville, NC

  • "Other communities who want to take it up… I think it's brilliant. [CDRT] allowed us to ride on the shoulders of the work [you’ve done in Eugene] and then, take it further from here and take that further everywhere. Allowing everyone to build and build and build."

    Karl Robbins - Marshall, NC

  • "I just think it would have really been a huge benefit, even more than that, if we had had something like CDRT set in place before this event happened. [In] Lahaina we are still playing catch up. [The] community is really putting forth this grassroots effort. But we don't have that kind of nucleus that's helping us organize our efforts. And so I think that would be where a program like yours could have helped significantly."

    Christy Shaver - Lahaina, Maui

Join the Transition

Take the first step towards shaping a resilient future for your community. Book a consultation with us to explore how CDRT can empower your community to proactively navigate challenges and seize opportunities for positive change.